Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Arrrgh Ye Ready fer some Fun?

Oops! This was supposed to post last Friday for "Fun Friday," but I guess I messed up on the "post options" selection. I hope this tutorial is helpful for those of you still trying to figure out what to dress your little kids for Halloween!

It's the twins' second Halloween, and I just can't wait to dress them up!



Pirate Hat


Pirate Princess!

Homemade pants


Pirate Hat


Pirate King!

I bought some tulle from Joann's, measured Lamb's waist, cut the tulle pieces in black and red, cut some red ribbon, tied the tulle and ribbon onto the elastic band, and I had a pirate tutu! Thanks to Tanya's tutu tutorial at Trey and Lucy! It was super easy! The red and white fabric is actually a little "tube top." Of course, she'll be wearing a white long-sleeved onesie underneath.

Cuddler's pants were super easy too! I took a pair of pants he currently wears and used it as a template for his pants. I strung elastic at the waist, sewed it up, and wala! A pair of pirate pants! He could also probably wear it on Independence Day, but they probably won't fit by then. He'll be wearing a red long-sleeved onesie with this costume.

Happy Halloween!

my signature


  1. How cute...my son is obsessed with pirates right now...he'd love that

  2. Oh. my. FREAKIN'. CUTE! I am soooo stealing the tutu pirate princess idea!

    How have you been? I hope you had a great day yesterday!

  3. I just signed up to follow, you have some really cute stuff here.



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