Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby Blankets Repurposed!

It's "Fun Friday" again!

You know how much I LOVE saving money, right?
Well, this post is no exception!
I didn't want to spend a lot of $$ buying TWO of those cart/high chair covers, so I did this instead!

I took TWO blankets the babies already had. They're 42" x 32." Any smaller than that probably wouldn't cover the front and back of a cart or a high chair. The blankets I used were double-sided flannel. I'm only showing Lamb's cover. Sorry, I forgot to take a pic of Cuddler's.

I measured my babies' thighs and added a couple of inches to the circumference (for growth). I cut ovals in their circumference about 2/3 of the length and centered. You could drape the blanket on your highchair at home and estimate and guess where the holes would be in a cart or a public high chair. Finally, I zig-zag stitched the edges to keep them from fraying. It was super easy, and it didn't cost me anything because I already had everything!
 I hope this tutorial helps anybody who wants to save money from having to buy covers at the stores.
These could also be made more fun by attaching ribbons to hang their favorite toys to, so they won't be bored at the restaurant or when you're out shopping for HOURS. Ummm.. I don't do that.

Good luck!

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