Monday, July 13, 2009

Peanut Butter Cup Cake, Yummy!

It was my husband's birthday on May 30th, and he L-O-V-E-S peanut butter cups. I was SOOO lucky to have found Bakerella's Peanut Butter Cup Cake recipe (originally from Family Circle magazine- but I think her version is better!) Try it, and you'll be hooked! Thanks, Bakerella!
If you want the recipe, visit Bakerella at her blog! She's awesome!


  1. WHOA. That thing looks DIVINE! I'd eat the whole thing in front of the tv with a fork and a ginormous glass of milk :)

  2. I think my husband would worship me if i made him that cake for his b-day. i'll definitely try it. thanks-love your blog


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